Xin chào các bạn Lào! nếu ai biết tiếng Việt và rảnh rỗi thì vào đây tám chuyện nhé!

Lao article requests


Do you know the Lao language? Are you willing to do article requests in Lao? WhisperToMe (talk) ໐໖:໔໑, ໒໓ ມີນາ ໒໐໑໓ (UTC)

  • Ah, ok. Do you speak Vietnamese? WhisperToMe (talk) ໒໑:໐໕, ໒໕ ມີນາ ໒໐໑໓ (UTC)
    • Ok. Are you interested in adding Vietnamese to the actual template Commons:Template:Closed cap on the Wikimedia Commons? If you need help in adding Vietnamese I can tell you what needs to be translated. WhisperToMe (talk) ໒໐:໕໓, ໖ ເມສາ ໒໐໑໓ (UTC)