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* [http://introthai.cappelendamm.no/c41437/artikkel/vis.html?tid=41950 ຄວາມເທົ່າທຽມກັນທາງເພດ] {{th icon}}
* [http://www.unrol.org/article.aspx?article_id=28 United Nations Rule of Law: Gender Equality], on the relationship between gender equality, the [[rule of law]] and the [[United Nations]].
*[http://www.HillarysVillage.net HillarysVillage], Forum for women, minorities, members of the gay community and those who are otherwise marginalized.
*[http://uk.oneworld.net/guides/gender The OneWorld Guide to Gender Equality]
*[http://www.un.org/womenwatch WomenWatch], the United Nations Internet Gateway on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women
*[http://www.undp.org/women/ Women's Empowerment], the United Nations Development Program's Gender Team
*[http://www.oecd.org/dac/gender GENDERNET], International forum of gender experts working in support of gender equality. Development Co-operation Directorate of the [[Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development]]
*[http://www.oecd.org/dev/gender Gender at the OECD Development Centre], gender activities at the OECD Development Centre
*[http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTGENDER/0,,menuPK:336874~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:336868,00.html Gender Equality as Smart Economics] World Bank
*[http://www.vineetnayar.com/women-leadership-yes-she-can, Women Leadership: Yes she can!]
*[http://www.thelocal.se/guides/equality/Equality+in+Sweden/ The Local] Gender equality in Sweden (news collection)
*[http://www.womencandoit.no Women Can Do It!]
*[http://www.return2workmums.co.uk Return2WorkMums For women returners to the workplace]
*[http://www.ihatesexism.com/ Sexism Discussion Group]
*[http://ccr.sagepub.com/content/33/3/265.abstract Sexual Equality and Romantic Love]
*[http://www.mdgmonitor.org/map.cfm?goal=&indicator=&cd= Gender Equality Tracker]
*[http://www.genderwork.ca/ Gender and Work Database]
*[http://www.gendersite.org/ Gender and the Built Environment Database]
*[http://www.witec-eu.net/ WiTEC – The European Association for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (SET)]
*[http://www.gell.it/ Gender Equality in Labour & Life – Online Course focus on PA (SET)]
*[http://transequality.org National Center for Transgender Equality]
*[http://www.annette-boeckler.de/liturgie/EgalitarianServices.html Egalitarian Jewish Services A Discussion Paper]